Why search and choose by skills and experience rather than the ability to perform? The best teams are those capable to accomplish, to materialize ideas. 

Through content and customized activities offered in this workshop based on each profile, participants will be able to create value for their projects.


  • Better understand how you work
  • Highlight the preferences in terms of Modes of operation in Effectuation
  • Promote empowerment and ownership of individuals and teams


  • Create the desired corporate culture through Team Building
  • Use in post-selection for coaching and professional development
  • Powerful and concrete coaching for executives and managers


Half day (4h – face-to-face instruction)

Available online

This course is also available online for those who want to level up or acquire new knowledge from the comfort of their home or office.

This training is delivered remotely in a four hour session. However, it can be adapted to another format according to the customer’s needs.

Requirements for participants: have access to the video conferencing platform, a webcam, a microphone, post-its and pens.