Antipatterns des Scrum Master à absolument éviter pour mener à bien votre projet Scrum – partie 3

Par Fabrique Agile


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The duties and tasks of the Scrum Master must be clearly defined to ensure that the process runs smoothly. In this article, we explain the last three mistakes to be avoided when it comes to the Scrum Master’s role, and the consequences for your project. These mistakes are made by organizations, and ensuring a good context for the application of agility is part of their responsibility. Sometimes, companies think that neither agility nor Scrum works in their context, but this can be explained by the lack of someone able to guide teams towards the appropriation of good practices, or towards the adaptation of agile practices.


Being Scrum Master and Product Owner at the same time

It’s definitely not advisable to assign these two roles simultaneously to the same person. The Scrum Master and the Product Owner have different skills and perspectives, which could lead to potential conflicts of interest between the responsibilities and objectives of each role. Separating these two functions maintains a degree of independence and ensures that each role receives adequate attention, while avoiding any conflict of interest.

Be a part-time Scrum Master

There are several reasons why the Scrum Master profession should be pursued on a full-time rather than part-time basis.

The first reason is commitment and availability. If you work part-time, it could be difficult to meet the needs of the team, which would hamper the smooth running of the Scrum process.

The second reason is attention. The Scrum Master role requires constant attention to detail, keen observation of team interactions and the ability to identify opportunities for continuous improvement.

The Scrum Master’s absence

Not having a Scrum Master on your team could prove to be a big mistake. His role is more than necessary in many respects.

The Scrum Master facilitates the Scrum process and ensures that principles and practices are respected. The Scrum Master also promotes collaboration, autonomy and communication within the team, while coaching and guiding team members in the application of agile principles. The Scrum Master is also responsible for helping the team to eliminate obstacles that may hinder project progress. Finally, he promotes transparency by ensuring access to relevant information.

The Scrum Master therefore plays an indispensable role within the team. He or she plays a crucial role in supporting team members, while ensuring the continuous improvement and success of the project.

Scrum Master does not coach the organization

When the Scrum Master doesn’t fulfill his role of coaching the organization, several problems can arise.

Lack of alignment with agile principles can lead the organization to drift away from agile values. Coaching of the organization by the Scrum Master is essential to help teams and stakeholders understand and accept the changes involved in adopting Scrum. The Scrum Master plays a key role in promoting collaboration. Failure to provide this support can lead to communication, coordination and collaboration problems. He is also responsible for facilitating this process by encouraging feedback and adaptation. If organizational coaching is neglected, the result can be a lack of reflection on existing practices, a lack of effort to improve them, and a drop in performance. Scrum offers a powerful framework for agile product development, but to take full advantage of it, it’s essential that the Scrum Master plays his role as organizational coach. In his absence, the potential benefits of Scrum may not be fully realized.

In short, the Scrum Master’s coaching of the organization is an essential part of his role in ensuring the success of Scrum within the company. The Scrum Master must actively collaborate with stakeholders, teams and managers to foster a common understanding of agile principles, encourage collaboration and facilitate continuous improvement.


The smooth running of the Scrum process depends in particular on the Scrum Master. Find out more about common Scrum Master antipatterns in Part 1 and Part 2 of this article!

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